Saturday, September 19, 2009

Prayers and Answers......

Fairy tales coming true?? i was a believer..But to this degree?? Wow!!! I prayed to God with tears for a couple of things...God always answers my prayers..From clearing exams ..To solving my problems...To giving me the perfect life....I have always been blessed...But this prayer was a time bound one....And i still cant believe God worked a miracle.....And way, way before the deadline is due to expire.....Right now I'm not sure if i should ask forgiveness to god for my "little faith" or Be down on my knees in gratitude.....But one thing is sure..I have a prayer hearing..and more important..A prayer answering God.

This may all sound very cryptic - More updates to come later.

1 comment:

  1. We are all atheists about most Gods humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one God further.

    Sure Gods do exist in the form of good hearts . The beauty of this existence is that the wishes will always never go undone; For it is always an beautiful selfless demand of a princess.
