Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Aunty- To be or not to be....

So I'm on a Long vacation in canada.... and the first thing that annoyed me was the fact that a gal a few years younger than me called my "Aunty"... If anyone has seen the godreg hair dye ad they will know exactly how i reacted..It led to a few billion trips to the mirror to check for greys and wrinkles....and A few million questions to the hubby about whether i had aged in the last few weeks.coz the he last time i had a reaction that was age related was when a boy(calling him boy coz he is just out of college) i worked with asked me if i was a fresher..(He made my day)

So imagine my shock to be called aunty.....She kept it up....I got annoyed enuf to tell her to call me by my name -coz i was not her aunty(And now she calls me akka-which is much better).Then another "Aunty"(another poor gal in her 20's) explained to me that all the single folk refer to all the married people as aunty and Uncle....

But i did not have much to do with any of them so i was fine till last week when another guy in his 20's took it into his head to call me aunty....I expalined to him - very politely- that i did not like it...that i was just a few years older than him...And he told me that i was married and that was all it took to give me the title..And then he said "Welcome to Canada"

I dont kno if he just wanted to annoy me as much as possible-(he was a pretty sweet chap normally)but then he kept referring to me as aunty every chance he got....

I dont kno wat to do !!!!!